Tuesday, 12 November 2013


How do you decide what type of makeup you want for your formal? In my opinion it's important you choose what type of makeup you would like after you have bought your dress. Depending on the style of dress will depend on whether you should have dramatic eyes or a bold lip. To make it easier for your makeup artist make sure you can show them a photo of your dress. If you have a classic style dress a classic makeup style will match. If you have a bright and busy dress keep your makeup simple, a winged eyeliner is all you need on your eyes as shown in the very last photo on this post. If you're someone who can get a little oily through the night, something you should carry in your purse is blotting paper. Modelsprefer make one which you can purchase at Priceline, the paper soaks up any excess oil without absorbing your makeup. It minimises you from having to reapply powder therefore preventing your face from getting that cakey look. Make sure you have the right colour lipstick or gloss in your purse so you can reapply through the night. Most importantly have fun at your formal, most people look their best when they are happy and smiling :-)

Monday, 11 November 2013

Removing your makeup

An essential part of your nightly routine is the steps in removing your makeup and taking care of your skin. When you do not remove your makeup the skin is unable to breathe (secrete sebum). The makeup will block and clog your pores which cause acne or lifeless looking skin, therefore you should never go to bed with your makeup on.

Take your eye makeup ...
off with a remover using a cotton pad and cotton tip, leaving your eye makeup on can cause irritation or even an infection so it's very important to follow this step.

Make sure you have a cleanser that is best suited to your skin, generally speaking cream cleansers are best suited for dry skin and clear cleansers for oily skin. Wash your face with the cleanser, sometimes you might require a double cleanse if you have been wearing a lot of makeup. Something I learnt in Beauty Therapy is to rinse your face using an organic cotton Muslin cloth, it is soft on your skin and leaves it feeling fresh and pampered.

Next step is to apply a toner, without getting too technical it is very important to apply this, a toner will restore the ph levels that the cleanser has stripped out.

Apply a serum, the most common benefits of using a serum is hydration, brightening and nourishing the skin. There are so many serums on the market that can target specific problems of the skin like acne, skin tone correcting, anti aging etc. So it’s best to find one best suited to you.

Finally apply your night cream! During the night is when our skin peaks at absorbing ingredients, this is why you need a night cream that is heavier and more intensive than your day cream.

Sunday, 20 October 2013


Hi All,

Welcome to my blog, on here I'm going to be giving you some advice on skincare, makeup application, product reviews and what's hot this season. I have already gone through the steps of cleansing the skin so here is some advice on exfoliation, how you take care of your skin will effect the way your makeup looks!

We all want our face to look flawless, especially after a makeup application. Having the best possible canvas to work with comes from looking after your skin, exfoliation which is the removal of surface dead skin cells is so important because it can help resolve certain skin problems and it will leave your face feeling fresh, healthy and glowing. If you are not exfoliating moisturisers will not properly soak in and your foundation will not be looking as flawless at is could be.

The exfoliant you use at home should have round spherical micro beads as this is gentle and not abrasive on the skin. Gently massage this in an upward and outward motion which will remove the dead skin cells off the surface allowing the fresh rejuvenated skin underneath to be exposed therefore you have a brighter and smoother appearance. It will also unclog pores that are filled with impurities. It is best to do this in the shower because the steam is going to help soften the dead skin cells which will help the exfoliant sweep those dead skin cells away.

There are numerous amounts of exfoliating products on the market, what you want from your exfoliater is for your skin to be left looking vibrant and luminous and feeling softer, you do not want your skin to be red and inflamed, if you scrub too hard or use an exfoliant that is too harsh this will only damage the skin. You want to gently remove the dead skin cells and gently remove the dirt and debris out of the pores.

An exfoliater will leave your skin feeling soft and smoother with cleaner and clearer pours, other than a treatment you should always follow up your exfoliation with a moisturiser, this will help restore the healthy barrier function of your skin. Exfoliation it is not something that should be done before a makeup application but including the step in your weekly skincare regime will improve the way your foundation sits on your skin.